Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Noel in ASL

Dear Readers,
This weekend was absolutely wonderful. My wonderful  family ran all over town for me on Saturday and didn't complain once. Thank you so much all of you - you're so supportive!
After violin rehearsal,  we ran home and drove to Rosson House for Arizona Friends in Sign. We were
 signing  there in the morning and at Glendale Glitters that night.

Aren't they adorable?!

  My friend, Jamie, and I signed Frosty the Snowman as a duet. It was amazing... 

I'm signing "Sleigh"

I joined AZ Friends in Sign because ever since I met a girl in my third grade class who was Deaf, I have loved sign language and had a desire to serve the Deaf. This group has been really great for me to have a part in, and I love it. Our group goes to nursing homes, girl scout meetings, the fair, and others. We go to teach people who want to learn sign language and to increase the public's awareness of ASL and Deafness, as well as to reach out to the Deaf Community.  How many of you, my wonderful Readers, know sign language? It is really such a wonderful skill to have and truly a gift to give to others.
  Before I let you go, let me say one quick thing. One of my mom's friends has a Deaf friend. One day my mom's friend asked his Deaf Friend what his dreams were. He said "In my dreams, everyone signs."
  They made that dream come true on the television show Sesame Street, why can't we make it true???
  Your Blogger, (who would love to teach all of you sign language)
Arizona Friends in Sign