Friday, April 17, 2015

A new love for you to love!

Dear Readers, 

I'm eighteen today, so I bring you a child near and dear to my heart. 


This beautiful girl is six years old and has Cerebral Palsy and Epilepsy. She was found abandoned at a year old, and her initial report said she was unable to support herself/sit unassisted/ hold her head up. All common in babies with CP. All just like my brother. Each birthday when I write this post I weep for the similarities. I wish all children had the opportunities we had, the parents we have, the support we's unfair. 

But her story doesn't have to have a sad ending. YOU can give her the hope of a future. 

One look at that bright smile,  and it's clear she doesn't let her disability dim her joy!! This girl is such a bright light but it's hidden in an orphanage. 

An orphanage worker says the following about sweet girlie: 

She’s doing really well. She’s on medication to control her seizures and it’s working fine. I have never seen her have a seizure, but I believe it has happened occasionally when she has been febrile with a cold or virus. Of course, does need her medication to keep her stable.  She loves her wheel chair.

Annie’s personality is loving and sweet. She is happiest if somebody will just spend time with her – laughing playing and cuddling her. But she is not whiny when other kids are getting the attention either, so she would be a great fit for a large family. She just enjoys movement and action, whether it involves her, or is going on around her.  One of her favorite games is when you push her wheelchair really fast between two people – she laughs so much at this!

She’s bright and has a great understanding of everything, but cannot communicate verbally.

Her disability is definitely severe, but she is emotionally very healthy. We would so love to see her in a family. Eventually she will need to leave our home, as she is absolutely not palliative, and we desperately want to see that move take her to a loving home! She is really such a beautiful child. She is like sunshine, she warms everyone around her. Even though she is trapped inside a body which will not do what she needs it to do, the beauty of her personality will not be contained. If we can find a family who can manage her physical needs, they will be so blessed by this precious daughter. It makes me so sad to think of her future if she has to remain in  her birth country.


She will likely die before she's eighteen is she stays in her country. She will probably be abused, neglected, left in a crib until pneumonia and infection from bed sores kill her. 

Don't let that be her future. Give her the chance to change the world.

Print her picture and hang it on your fridge. Share her story. Share my post. Pray, pray, pray for her and her future family. 

I've gotten to see a child I prayed for come home, and man, was that the most beautiful redemptive work of God. She went home to a family in her own country, praise Jesus. I want you to get to watch that miracle in Annie's life, dear Readers. Please don't forget her face. 

Much love,
Your now-an-adult blogger

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