Thursday, July 19, 2012

Snapshots of a life...

These are all raw pictures of Marcia. I haven't edited them to make it look like sunshine is coming through, I haven't blurred out the orphanage background. This is her. This is her reality.
Sometimes I don't even know what to pray for her...a lot of times I have to just trust that God hears my moans for her and understands because, honestly, what can I say? Her chances of adoption are so slim...and even if she is adopted it will take so long...sometimes I wonder if God's plan for her is the same fate as so many other orphans. My heart cries out for Him to give her a family! She can't die alone. That would be so wrong, so unjust. Yet it is the fate of so many...
Marcia deserves someone to tell her she is beautiful.

I question people every can there be so many? Surely more people are able to adopt? I ask my parents. Surely more are able...yet they don't come. Is her diagnosis turning you away? Or is it her age?

When you are in Heaven and God asks you why you didn't help her, are you going to look into His eyes and say "I just couldn't handle Spina Bifida!" When you meet her in Heaven will you tell her "I'm sorry I didn't adopt you--you were just too old. You weren't cute enough. You couldn't walk. That was all!" Is that really what you will say??
Choose now to make a difference before it is too late. Help Marcia before it is too late.
(Taken from
That picture above isn't dramatized...this is her reality.
She deserves so much more than that!
This child deserves to be held, and loved!
Marcia deserves someone to play with her...
She deserves someone to take dozens of pictures of her--not just referral pictures--pictures taken out of love.
Marcia deserves someone to tell her "You can do it. You are beautiful. You are important."

Will you be that someone for Marcia?